Today’s episode I have a brand new guest, her name is Wendy of Calico Jam. Wendy created a YouTube channel with video instructions and lesson plans templates for new teachers, on how to sew.
Posts TaggedVirtual
2020 Year End Review & Reflection
Let us move forward into the growth zone where thinking of others and figuring out how to help them live in the present and focus on the future.
The Power of Ask With Melissa Litherland
Today I have an amazing guest, Melissa Litherland, a brand new first year family consumer sciences teacher with a master’s degree in Biological Science. She has a FCS position in her neighboring district of Wisconsin.
Lauren Quint of CTE Family and Consumer Sciences: Teachers Pay Teachers
Today I have the amazing Lauren Quint, an educator, author and social media guru. She puts on the CTE Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers Pay Teachers website.
Partnering & Promoting your FCS programs with Anna Hall
Today my guest is Anna Hall, she teaches Family And Consumer Science at Greene County Career Center in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
Phases Of A First Year Teacher
Do you remember your first year as a teacher? We all became teachers because we wanted to make a difference in the lives of the up and coming youth. We all have a teacher that impacted our own educational experiences, that made it all the better.
New Approaches in E-learning and How to Become a Resilient Teacher for Tomorrow
As an educator, we are living in the most technology-advanced time period in history, we are capable of taking on this challenge in restructuring our diverse and content-rich curriculum.
Teaching FCS With Technology
By teaching students virtually, I have been researching best practices. In this episode I will be sharing some of the resources that have helped me feel successful as a teacher.
Fashion & Interior Design PLC with Mindy Trisko and Leah Batcher
In today’s episode I have two outstanding fashion and interior design educators from the California area, Mindy Trisko and Leah Batcher.
Jeff Utecht – Host of the Shifting Our Schools Podcast
Jeff Utecht is a keynote speaker, conference master, and has been a podcaster since 2008.